Wacky Bee Books

This is the second website we built for Louise and is the sister company to her Writers’ Advice Centre.

The Wacky Bee Books website promotes the authors books Louise has helped publish. This site has a fun design using the bee logo and bright colours to create a unique design. A series of attractive banners were created using the book illustration, these can be seen on the home page.

WooCommerce was added to allow the books to be purchased on the site and along with WordPress and a page builder system, Louise is able to easily make updates and manage her shop and sales.

Wacky Bee Books WooCommerce Web Design

What We Did

Quality Seal E-commerce Package

This site was built using our Quality Seal e-commerce web design package.

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This site has fun design using the bee logo and bright colours to create a unique design. A series of attractive banners were created using the book illustration, these can be seen on the home page.


This site was built using the popular WordPress content management system, giving the client the ability to update and add content.

Drag & Drop Page Builder

We included the industry leading drag & drop page builder which allows the client to quickly update the pages on their website and also build new professional looking pages with very little technical knowledge required.


The popular WooCommerce system was integrated with WordPress to provide e-commerce functionality. The client is able to manage the store admin, edit and add new products.

Mobile Responsive Design

A mobile responsive design was used to allow the new site to be easily navigated and browsed on mobile, tablets and desktops.

E-commerce Analytics

Google Analytics e-commerce tracking was setup to allow the client to analyse purchase activity on their site. They can see product and transaction information, average order value, e-commerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other critical sales data.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracking was setup to allow the client to analyse the visitor activity on their site. They can see detailed information including how many people have visited the site, where they are visiting from and what keywords they typed into Google to find their website.

Data Capture

This site uses data capture to build a database of potential customer email addresses. They can then be marketed to later using an email marketing system.

Wacky Bee Books Mobile Web Design

What the client said…

“I am absolutely delighted with the job that Indigo Marmoset did on my two websites. The sites are very different, albeit that they are both connected to children’s publishing, and Indigo Marmoset took that on board. I now have two websites that I am really proud of and I feel make me stand out from my competitors. Murray and Matt are endlessly patient and I am now able to update both sites myself, something which I couldn’t do before. I would highly recommend Indigo Marmoset to anyone wanting a new website.”
Louise Jordan

Wacky Bee Books

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