Wacky Bee Books
The Wacky Bee Books website promotes the authors books Louise has helped publish. This site has a fun design using the bee logo and bright colours to create a unique design. A series of attractive banners were created using the book illustration, these can be seen on the home page.
WooCommerce was added to allow the books to be purchased on the site and along with WordPress and a page builder system, Louise is able to easily make updates and manage her shop and sales.
What We Did
Quality Seal E-commerce Package
Drag & Drop Page Builder
We included the industry leading drag & drop page builder which allows the client to quickly update the pages on their website and also build new professional looking pages with very little technical knowledge required.
Mobile Responsive Design
E-commerce Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics tracking was setup to allow the client to analyse the visitor activity on their site. They can see detailed information including how many people have visited the site, where they are visiting from and what keywords they typed into Google to find their website.
Data Capture
This site uses data capture to build a database of potential customer email addresses. They can then be marketed to later using an email marketing system.